Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ahead of you is a 10-minute interactive artwork.
This is about anxiety.
If at any point this feels too stressful, you are having an unpleasant experience or need to stop please close the window.
Your mental health is important.
Each page lasts 30 seconds.
After 30 seconds you will have a simple choice.
You can move Up, Down, Left, or Right.
After 10 seconds the choice will be taken for you.
You have 20 moves. 20 choices.
There are 80 pages.
You will only see 20.
Your 10 minutes start now.
[[Click here to start|1]]
<<timed 60s>> <<goto "1">><</timed>>
<<set $points to 20>>
<<set $happy to 1>>
<<set $key to false>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "14D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +14>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "E" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "8D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +8>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "4D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +4>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/1B.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "2D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +2>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 8s>><<goto "1.2">><</timed>>
<<audio "A" play>>
<video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/1B.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "2A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +2>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "3B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +3>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures.
Just look what it’s done to you.
One will perish.
You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt.
Your dreams forgotten, your horrors effaced.
Your bones will turn to sand.
And upon that sand, a new god will walk.
One that will never die.
Because this world doesn’t belong to you or the people who came before. It belongs to someone who is yet to come.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "5B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +5>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Do not underestimate our powers of organisation and our determination because we know the enormous strengths of this economy.
In life sciences, in tech, in academia, in music, the arts, culture, financial services.
It is here in Britain that we are using gene therapy for the first time to treat the most common form of blindness. Here in Britain that we are leading the world in battery technology that will help cut CO2 and tackle climate change and produce green jobs for the next generation.
- Jeremy Corbyn
<<timed 25s>><<goto "9B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +9>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "18B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +18>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "E" play>>
<</nobr>><video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/1B.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "2B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +2>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "4B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +4>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "8B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +8>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "14B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +14>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "18D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +18>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Do not underestimate our powers of organisation and our determination because we know the enormous strengths of this economy.
In life sciences, in tech, in academia, in music, the arts, culture, financial services.
It is here in Britain that we are using gene therapy for the first time to treat the most common form of blindness. Here in Britain that we are leading the world in battery technology that will help cut CO2 and tackle climate change and produce green jobs for the next generation.
- Lily Allen
<<timed 25s>><<goto "9D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +9>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
The headline message is to reassure drinking water consumers around the world that, based on this assessment, our assessment of the risk is that it is low. We've done this in three ways. The health concerns, the health threats essentially focus around three elements. One is the physical hazards potentially presented by the particles themselves so while plastic is inert and doesn't chemically react there have been questions raised about whether it disseminates in the body and organs and causes problems.
Plastic also has additives in it that are sometimes chemicals that are contaminants that have been well-characterised. We've looked at those and we've also looked at the issue of whether there are biofilms, whether bacteria colonise these microplastics and present health issues.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "5D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +5>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "3D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +3>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "19A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +19>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "10A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +10>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/news1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 25s>><<goto "7A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +7>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "B" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "6A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +6>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "4A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +4>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "6B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +6>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<</nobr>><video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/news1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "7B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +7>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "B" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "10B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +10>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "19B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +19>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<div style="position: absolute; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
</iframe> </div>
<<timed 25s>><<goto "3A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +3>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "B" play>>
Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures.
Just look what it’s done to you.
One will perish.
You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt.
Your dreams forgotten, your horrors effaced.
Your bones will turn to sand.
And upon that sand, a new god will walk.
One that will never die.
Because this world doesn’t belong to you or the people who came before. It belongs to someone who is yet to come.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "5A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +5>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Do not underestimate our powers of organisation and our determination because we know the enormous strengths of this economy.
In life sciences, in tech, in academia, in music, the arts, culture, financial services.
It is here in Britain that we are using gene therapy for the first time to treat the most common form of blindness. Here in Britain that we are leading the world in battery technology that will help cut CO2 and tackle climate change and produce green jobs for the next generation.
-Boris Johnson
<<timed 25s>><<goto "9A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +9>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "18A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +18>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "11A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +11>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "8A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +8>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "20B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +20>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "20A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +20>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "12A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +12>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
Place your feet flat on the floor
Imagine a line in chalk being drawn around your left foot.
Slowly, starting at your heel. Around every toe.
And meeting back with a neat line at the back.
And now do the same for your right foot.
But this time start at your big toe.
Go slower.
Drawing an imaginary line between every toe.
Now take one deep breath.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "13B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +13>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Look around you. Not at your screen…
Okay, now you have looked back,
Look for 5 things you can see. Say what they are out loud.
Look for 4 things you can touch.
Identify 3 things you can hear…
2 things you can smell… or imagine you are smelling something you love.
Now take one deep breath.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "13A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +13>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "11B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +11>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "12B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +12>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
This is how it is with insomnia.
Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy.
The insomnia distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy.
This is how it is.
You can’t touch anything.
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy, of a copy of a copy.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "21A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +21>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "14A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +14>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "E" play>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "15A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +15>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "16A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +16>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Everything is choreographed.
You only see what I want you to see.
When I go outside I cover myself.
I wrap myself in different clothes to what I wear when no one is looking.
When I call you, I make sure the background noise is exactly what I want you to hear.
I frame my camera so what I want you to see is behind me.
This is who I am.
This is who I am today.
This is who I am for you.
Tomorrow will be someone else.
I will be someone else.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "17A2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +17>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "15B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +15>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "16B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +16>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Everything is choreographed.
You only see what I want you to see.
When I go outside I cover myself.
I wrap myself in different clothes to what I wear when no one is looking.
When I call you, I make sure the background noise is exactly what I want you to hear.
I frame my camera so what I want you to see is behind me.
This is who I am.
This is who I am today.
This is who I am for you.
Tomorrow will be someone else.
I will be someone else.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "17B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +17>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
This is how it is with insomnia.
Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy.
The insomnia distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy.
This is how it is.
You can’t touch anything.
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy, of a copy of a copy.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "21B2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $key to true>>
<<set $happy to $happy +21>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "C" play>>
<</nobr>><video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/1B.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "2C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +2>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Do not underestimate our powers of organisation and our determination because we know the enormous strengths of this economy.
In life sciences, in tech, in academia, in music, the arts, culture, financial services.
It is here in Britain that we are using gene therapy for the first time to treat the most common form of blindness. Here in Britain that we are leading the world in battery technology that will help cut CO2 and tackle climate change and produce green jobs for the next generation.
- Hugh Grant
<<timed 20s>><<goto "9C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +9>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 20s>><<goto "3C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +3>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "B" play>>
Imagine if all your choices in life were as easy as rolling a dice.
Flipping a coin.
Or picking which direction you would travel.
Go left to see what the world has to offer.
Go right to close off into your own world.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "5C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +5>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
5c Imagine if life choices but bleak
<<timed 20s>><<goto "18C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +18>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "19C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +19>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "10C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +10>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/news1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "7C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +7>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "B" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "6C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +6>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "4C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +4>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "6D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +6>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<video autoplay loop id="myVideo">
<source src="video/news1.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>
<<timed 25s>><<goto "7D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +7>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "B" play>>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "10D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +10>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "19D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +19>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "20D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +20>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
Place your feet flat on the floor
Imagine a line in chalk being drawn around your left foot.
Slowly, starting at your heel. Around every toe.
And meeting back with a neat line at the back.
And now do the same for your right foot.
But this time start at your big toe.
Go slower.
Drawing an imaginary line between every toe.
Now take one deep breath.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "13D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +13>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "12D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +12>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
This is how it is with insomnia.
Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy.
The insomnia distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy.
This is how it is.
You can’t touch anything.
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy, of a copy of a copy.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "21D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +21>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "11D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +11>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "8C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +8>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "15D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +15>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "16D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +16>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<</nobr>>Everything is choreographed.
You only see what I want you to see.
When I go outside I cover myself.
I wrap myself in different clothes to what I wear when no one is looking.
When I call you, I make sure the background noise is exactly what I want you to hear.
I frame my camera so what I want you to see is behind me.
This is who I am.
This is who I am today.
This is who I am for you.
Tomorrow will be someone else.
I will be someone else.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "17D2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +17>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 20s>><<goto "11C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +11>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>> <<goto "12C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +12>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "D" play>>
<</nobr>>Look around you. Not at your screen…
Okay, now you have looked back,
Look for 5 things you can see. Say what they are out loud.
Look for 4 things you can touch.
Identify 3 things you can hear…
2 things you can smell. Or imagine you are smelling something you love.
Now take one deep breath.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "13C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +13>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "20C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +20>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 25s>><<goto "14C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +14>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 25s>><<goto "15C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +15>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<timed 20s>><<goto "16C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +16>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<audio "E" play>>
<</nobr>>Everything is choreographed.
You only see what I want you to see.
When I go outside I cover myself.
I wrap myself in different clothes to what I wear when no one is looking.
When I call you, I make sure the background noise is exactly what I want you to hear.
I frame my camera so what I want you to see is behind me.
This is who I am.
This is who I am today.
This is who I am for you.
Tomorrow will be someone else.
I will be someone else.
<<timed 25s>><<goto "17C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +17>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
This is how it is with insomnia.
Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy.
The insomnia distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy.
This is how it is.
You can’t touch anything.
Nothing can touch you.
Everything is so far away.
A copy, of a copy of a copy.
<<timed 20s>><<goto "21C2">><</timed>>
<<set $points to $points -1>>
<<set $happy to $happy +21>>
<<if $points is 0>><<goto "End">>
<<cacheaudio "A" "music/logo.wav">>
<<cacheaudio "B" "music/1.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "C" "music/song3.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "D" "music/song4.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "E" "music/song5.mp3">><<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 30s>> <<goto "Final">><</timed>>
<<if $happy gte 200>><<goto "End2">>
<<audio "B" play>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 40s>> <<goto "Final">><</timed>>
<<if $key is true>><<goto "End3">> <</if>>
<<audio "B" play>>
<</nobr>><<nobr>><div style="position: fixed; z-index: -99; width: 100%; height: 100%">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>">
<<timed 60s>> <<goto "Final">><</timed>>
<<audio "B" play>>
<<timed 10s>><<goto "21C">><</timed>>[[UP|13D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "17A">><</timed>>[[UP|12D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "16A">><</timed>>[[UP|11D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "15A">><</timed>>[[UP|8C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "14A">><</timed>>[[UP|14C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "15A">><</timed>>[[UP|12C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "16B">><</timed>>[[UP|13C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "17B">><</timed>>[[UP|20C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "21B">><</timed>>[[UP|19D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "21D">><</timed>>[[UP|10D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "17D">><</timed>>[[UP|7D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "16D">><</timed>>[[UP|6D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "15D">><</timed>>[[UP|4C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "14C">><</timed>>[[UP|6C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "15C">><</timed>>[[UP|7C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "16C">><</timed>>[[UP|10C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "17C">><</timed>>[[UP|19C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "21C">><</timed>>[[UP|18D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "20D">><</timed>>[[UP|9D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "13D">><</timed>>[[UP|5D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "12D">><</timed>>[[UP|3D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "11D">><</timed>>[[UP|2C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "8C">><</timed>>[[UP|3C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "11C">><</timed>>[[UP|5C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "12C">><</timed>>[[UP|9C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "13C">><</timed>>[[UP|18C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "20C">><</timed>>[[UP|14D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "19D">><</timed>>[[UP|8D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "10D">><</timed>>[[UP|4D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "7D">><</timed>>[[UP|2D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "6D">><</timed>>[[UP|1]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "4C">><</timed>>[[UP|2B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "6C">><</timed>>[[UP|4B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "7C">><</timed>>[[UP|8B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "10C">><</timed>>[[UP|14B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "19C">><</timed>><<link [img[images2/U.jpg]]>>
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="'uiwMVzziJk0');" /></div>
<<goto "2A">><</link>>
<<link [img[images2/L.jpg]]>>
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="'uiwMVzziJk0');" /></div>
<<goto "2D">><</link>>
<<link [img[images2/D.jpg]]>>
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="'uiwMVzziJk0');" /></div>
<<goto "2C">><</link>>
<<link [img[images2/R.jpg]]>>
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="'uiwMVzziJk0');" /></div>
<<goto "2B">>
<<timed 10s>><<goto "18D">><</timed>>[[UP|9A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "9D">><</timed>>[[UP|5A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "5D">><</timed>>[[UP|3A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "3D">><</timed>>[[UP|3B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "3C">><</timed>>[[UP|5B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "5C">><</timed>>[[UP|9B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "9C">><</timed>>[[UP|18B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "18C">><</timed>>[[UP|19A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "14D">><</timed>>[[UP|10A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "8D">><</timed>>[[UP|7A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "4D">><</timed>>[[UP|6A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "2D">><</timed>>[[UP|4A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "1">><</timed>>[[UP|6B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "2B">><</timed>>[[UP|7B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "4B">><</timed>>[[UP|10B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "8B">><</timed>>[[UP|19B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "14B">><</timed>>[[UP|20A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "18A">><</timed>>[[UP|8A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "2A">><</timed>>[[UP|14A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "4A">><</timed>>[[UP|14C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "8A">><</timed>>[[UP|13A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "9A">><</timed>>[[UP|12A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "5A">><</timed>>[[UP|11A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "3A">><</timed>>[[UP|11B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "3B">><</timed>>[[UP|12B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "5B">><</timed>>[[UP|13B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "9B">><</timed>>[[UP|20B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "18B">><</timed>>[[UP|21A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "19B">><</timed>>[[UP|21D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "20A">><</timed>>[[UP|17A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "10B">><</timed>>[[UP|16A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "7A">><</timed>>[[UP|15A]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "6A">><</timed>>[[UP|15B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "6B">><</timed>>[[UP|16B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "7B">><</timed>>[[UP|17B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "10B">><</timed>>[[UP|21B]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "19B">><</timed>>[[UP|17D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "13A">><</timed>>[[UP|16D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "12A">><</timed>>[[UP|15D]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "11A">><</timed>>[[UP|15C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "11B">><</timed>>[[UP|16C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "12B">><</timed>>[[UP|17C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "13B">><</timed>>[[UP|21C]]
<<timed 10s>><<goto "20B">><</timed>>
Please close the window when you are ready.
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Thank you.
For information on anxiety and helpful resources visit:
<div style="display: none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="YouTubeTunes.stop('');" /></div>